Loving housewife and wife, Fan Seuk Heung (Myolie Wu), accidentally stumbled across a website allowing her exchange anything that she wants with something in her possession. Whenever she had any problems she needed to solve, she would consult the website. However, the website prevents her from telling anyone about it. One day, she got drunk and managed to tell her rich best friend, Hailey (Selena Li), about the website. Hailey is also drunk and they make the decision to switch lives. The next thing they know, they are living each other’s lives. No one knows about their switch, except the ladies themselves. Seuk Heung’s houseman and husband, Koo Ka Yan (Johnson Lee) works at the King Lap Group Fast Food Chain, Koon Ka Ya, starts to notice that his feelings towards his wife is starting to fade away so he starts to fall for “Hailey” (the real Seuk Heung). Hailey is in a fake marriage with her husband, Wayne (Vincent Wong) the deputy CEO of the King Lap Group Fast Food Chain, but really they are in love with each other. Wayne soon starts to develop feelings for “Seuk Heung” (the real Hailey). After Wayne’s mother discovered her son’s fake marriage to Hailey, she demoted him of the position of Deputy CEO. Ka Yan soon starts to suck up to his mother and quickly rises to hold one of the top position of the company, changing from a loving houseman to a heartless businessman. The ladies finally switch back to themselves. They must fix the problems that occurred during their switch.